Iubirea, acest sentiment ce cladeste relatia dintre doi oameni si pe care, cu putin
noroc, fiecare dintre noi a avut sansa sa il simta cel putin o data in viata. Atunci
cand iubim, speram sa simtim asa pentru totdeauna si sa fie “ca-n filme”, acea
iubire capabila sa treaca peste orice bariere pe care viata le-ar pune in cale.
Astfel, deoarece de-a lungul timpului, tema dominanta a peliculelor de pe micul
sau marele ecran a fost iubirea, voi face un top al celor mai frumoase reprezentari
ale acesteia, vazute, binenteles, prin prisma propriului suflet.
Behind every great love is a great story!
2. Ghost
A love that will last forever!
3.A walk to Remember
Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it!
4. Frankie and Johnny
5. Titanic
Nothing on earth could come between them!
6. Dirty Dancing
First dance. First love. The time of your life!
7. Love story
Love means never having to say you're sorry!
8. City of angels
She didn't believe in angels until she fell in love with one!
9. The Bodyguard
I will always love you!
10. The English patient
In love, there are no boundaries!
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